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World Coaches Open Free Membership

Sep 12, 2009  - Craig Lord

The World Swimming Coaches Association is to offer free membership of its association to the ranks of amateurs and professionals engaged in coaching across the world.

The move, submitted to and adopted by the board of WSCA at the World Clinic of the American Swimming Coaches Association in Fort Lauderdale, was proposed by George Block. The American coach also took up the presidency of the organisation as Michael Ursu’s term of office came to an end.

Coaches should watch for details over the coming weeks of how to sign up for free membership on the WSCA website and become part of an invaluable network of coaches and coaching expertise.

The benefits of being linked to a community of knowledge, a living library, cannot be overstated. Those coaches who tap into the resource will surely do themselves a huge favour as WSCA’s plans for growth unfold over the coming years.

More news from the WSCA Board meeting and reports from here at the ASCA World Clinic to follow (when I can stagger back to my keyboard after all those fine functions and dinners ... ).